Gulliver Ad



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General terms of use

The Gulliver Ad software has all the features for a fast and easy setup :

> Import the catalog (sitemaps format),
> Generate the keyword index,
> Route Adwords traffic via Gulliver Ad,
> Process unmatching keywords  (synonymes, etc.),
> Track the results of found keywords

You use your existing ads and no file handling for Google Adwords is required.

All ads use a single URL. Each visite is routed to the best matching page on the site,  based on the request that caused the display of the clicked ad. Our algorythms ensure that the majority of visits land on a page with the best product selection for each visitor.

The landing page may be a product card, a selection page our a specific URL. The choice of page is made according to the keywords associated with each product in the keyword index. If no product is found, the landing page is the site's home page.

The dictionary contains a list of words that require special attention. Some words can be ignored (ex. "buy", "london" ..), others replaced by a synonym, et others indicate a product groupts (ex "good deal" may mean  "products on sale"). The dictionary is populated manualy or by the suggestions generator.

To use Gulliver Ad as the site's internal searchandising motor, a simple link with the searched keywords, generated dynamicaly by Javascript for example, is used.


  • 12 years of experience in e-commerce
  • More than 250 e-commerce sites 
  • Strong expertise in different trades
  • Bespoke ecommerce solutions


bloc_partenaires.png Active member of SCS

Ministry of Industry's Innovation Label (07/01/2010)